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Change - Choose, create and control your own destiny

For many people change is very difficult. There's no guarantee that your choice will improve or worsen your life, so how tempting is it to just stick iwth what's known?

We tend to procrastinate until either the situation can't get any worse or someone else makes the choice for us. Whether it's waiting for prince charming on his white horse or that ideal job with an immediate permanent contract so that we have no risk... The fear of change means that the opportunities that do come our way are not seen or seen as risk instead of opportunity.

In my consultations I regularly see people who, for example, have been dissatisfied with their job for years. yet there is no choice for anything else, because there is always a reason to postpone it. All these years they go to work unmotivated and uninspired. Then the moment arrives of reorganization or some other challenge that your boss is struggling with and you are at the top of the list to fly out first. Then follows panic and a feeling of rejection about the job that you no longer wanted for years. The change is a fact, but on someone else's terms instead of yours. There is no good or bad in this. It is what it is. That change is coming.

As long as there is life, there is time to bend that life to your will. With a little luck you will keep your health. as far as that topic is concerned, we seem to only think about it when things go wrong. Fear always finds an excuse to postpone choices.

Being able to switch to change faster when you feel dissatisfied is trainable. I did it myself. Although my motivation was just as fear-driven. My fear of realizing at the end of my life that I have not lived my own life, but what others expected or would choose for me, has always been greater than my fear of change. My environment has had to switch quite regularly when i once again decided to completely change course. but the funny thing is, just like me, they also learned to trust that everything will work out anyway ????

The only way out of fear is through it. Don't delay, but do it. Only in this way will you learn that the world does not end if you dare to choose for yourself. Only in this way can you feel proud of what you have overcome and how resilient you turned out to be. that will certainly contribute positively to your experience of life happiness.


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Daisy Jacobs ♦ sex therapist & coach

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Date: 18-07-'22

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