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Slave Wil: "I am not useless because I have different preferences than others"

Even in my younger years I enjoyed being at the forefront of everything. People soon began to see me as a leader and I enjoyed quite a bit of fame. I never had to complain about women's attention...

Orgasms against the pain

From my early childhood I had not been lucky; my biological father turned out to be a "guest worker", as it was then called, who wanted to take the lusts but not the burden of achild, and my...

Anja learns, at 40 years, sex can be good

I come from a very traditional family. Father and mother who were each other's first love, where the man earns the money and the mother does the household and feeds the children. And forgive ...

Sexworker Esther

Around the age of 21, when the Netherlands moved from the guilder to the euro, I decided that I would finally take the step. I had been fantasizing about it since the moment I got to know the&nbs...

Simon talks openly about his feelings as a sub (BDSM - FemDom)

Submission is finding my primal strength. The place that gives me energy, makes me live. But not by being there for myself. But precisely by being there for the Other, the Others. To lead my life...

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