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Scabies, mange or scab are words that my mother sometimes uses. It sounds a bit old-fashioned but clearly indicates that she doesn't like something. But what exactly is scab? Yes .. a very unpleasant STD. How unpleasant and what you can do about it, I will explain that here.
It is caused by a mite, a small, sneaky creature that can be seen clearly under a microscope. Females dig holes in your skin and lay their eggs there. Can you see it? Beautiful! Then you understand the importance of preventing scabies. The eggs in those passages in your skin hatch after three to four days. Scabies is otherwise not serious but nasty.
How do I know if I have scabies?
Scabies mainly cause itching but there is more misery:
  • the holes that I describe above are visible, especially on your wrists, between your fingers, in your knees and under your breasts
  • on the genitals you can get small, red-purple bumps
  • scratching does not help itching, the only thing that does is damage your skin
  • the itching persists (often) even after treatment for some time
Scabies can be treated well with a cream or gel. Bed linen, towels and clothes must be washed at a minimum of 60 ° C.
A condom offers no protection against scabies. The little wretches laugh about it. Scabies are usually transmitted through intimate physical contact, but you can also get it by sleeping in a bed of someone who has scabies or wearing their clothes. Yes, hanging around in his shirt now sounds a lot less attractive ..

Miranda de Ruyter

Bron: condomerie.com  

Datum: 20-06-'19

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